Search For Treasures

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Theory Corner

Nothing about cartoons today. Today it's about an idea that I came up with one day. It started when I was watching History Channel International with a friend. We were discussing religion and views on the afterlife.

It was then I presented an idea that I had been formulating for a while. I brought up The String Theory, the theory that, among other things, there could be extra dimensions or universes. I then brought up how my astronomy teacher said that this could explain the appearance of ghosts. This got me thinking.

What if we are simply reborn spirits of people from another dimension. It's another form of reincarnation. If a person dies in another dimension, their spirit is placed into a new body in this dimension. It may provide another explanation as to why people who come from normal families go insane. They were insane in their past life.

I know it sounds a little crazy, but that's why it's just an idea. If the String Theory is correct, who knows what we may find.

See you next time


Mr. Trombley said...

Dear Sir,

Ah, now the ball is in my court! There is a hole in your theory that can best be described as an accident of language. You use the word "dimension" to mean "space".

A better way of understanding what a dimension is as an "extension". We are "extended" in three "dimensions" to a measurable degree and it is known at least one more dimension exists.

If souls exist in any dimension they would be potentially measurable, and so far they have not been.

This reminds me of the philosophy of George Santayana. You could get a good gist from the wikipedia page for The Realms of Being.

Very Excellent!

Eric Noble said...

I was simply going off of what my high school astronomy teacher told me, but it was over a year ago. I don't profess to really know anything about it. It was just an idea I had.

the mighty joe said...

drink beer. if consumed in sufficient enough quantities, i think you'll find it contains all the answers.

or what if there are no dimensions, and that we only exist within ourselves? you only exist because i have thought you in to my own existence. o! maybe i only exist because you have thought me in to your individual existence.

that idea came to me when i was drinking beer. see? i told you to drink beer.

Rojo said...

(unrelated to topic)

Hey Weirdo, sorry for getting back to you so late on an important question. To get a youtube video on your blog copy the embed text and paste in in your post. BUT, please note the customization tag, as you can have a border, choice of colors, and the option to turn off related videos(which I personally recommended).

Hope this helps.